Text Box: Nordic Newsletter
March 2025
Text Box: Dates to Remember:
March 4th: Butter Braid Delivery
March 17th-20th: Spring Break/Dress up days (watch for positing)
March 21st: CUCCC is Closed
        CUCCC Staff Birthdays:
Aleta A.: March 17th 
Madalyn P.: March 25th
Jessica C.: March 28th
Contact us by Email:

Text Box: Notes from the Office:
· Children’s schedules are due 
    Tuesday’s by 10 am each week
Thank you to those who brought in goodies for the Valentine’s Parties, they are so appreciated and the kids had a blast celebrating! 
Please look out for updates from your classroom teachers with regards to going outside and bringing proper apparel. 
Reminder:  CUCCC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken items.  Please label all items,  examples: hats, coats, mittens, etc.  There is a lost and found bucket on the green table in the main hallway, if you are missing items please be sure to look here as well.

Image result for Community United Child centers and preschool logoImage result for 4 leave clovers clipartImage result for st patricks day clipartImage result for 4 leave clover line clipart