Text Box:   Valley Park Newsletter
December 2023
Text Box: Dates to Remember:
15th - Holiday Programs 
Panda - 9 am
Koala - 9:30 am
Bear - 10 am
Ocean/Rainbow - 10:30 am
Holiday room parties - all age groups
22nd - CrAzY Christmas Dress Up Day
25th-29th - CF No School

Watch the weather for sending snow gear! Check with your child’s teacher about snow days outside.
Check your child’s extra clothes to make sure they still fit and are weather appropriate. 

 “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting … So get on your way!”-Dr. Seuss

Text Box: Parents and grandparents are invited to attend the Holiday Programs. Check with your child’s teacher about room parties.

We will have our giving tree in the hallway by Rainforest room again this year. If you are interested in purchasing something, take the ornament from the tree and then please attach the ornament to the gift when you bring it in. You can either give it to the office or the room. We also have our Amazon wish list that you can purchase from too. Our Valley Park link is: Amazon Gift List 
 Thank you for everything!