Text Box: Westridge Newsletter
November 2018

Text Box: From the Director: One of the newer educational terms that we see frequently in the news is STEM education. STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM Education refers to an educational approach which integrates more than one of these branches of learning. Science, technology, engineering, and math may seem like lofty subject matter for preschool children. In reality, preschoolers spontaneously engage in STEM activities indoors and out on a regular basis. With a little guidance from us, we can enhance children's opportunities to engage in STEM learning and develop their critical thinking skills. Please watch for more information about STEM in your child’s classroom newsletter every month. 
Dates to Remember:
Oct 29-Nov 2: 2’s Conferences
Nov 5-9: 3’s Conferences
No Waterloo School: Nov. 9
Nov 12-16: 4/5’s Conferences
No Vol. Pre-k Credit: Nov. 19-23 No Waterloo School: Nov. 21-23
Closing at 5pm Nov. 21
Closed Nov.22-Happy Thanksgiving
Nov.23-Only open at Valley Park location until 5pm
CUCCC Birthdays
Makayla– Nov. 3
Hannah J.– Nov. 19
CUCCC Anniversaries
Josie W. (Floater) 1 year
Alyssa K (Floater)  2 year
Ashley (Starfish)  3 years
Nikki (APD)  4 years

Text Box: Monthly Themes:
Germs/Hand washing, Veteran’s Day , Turkeys, & Brown
Turkey’s, Hand Washing, 
& Candy Corn
Thanksgiving, Turkeys, Pumpkins, & Farm Animals
Farm  and Woodland Animals, Turkeys, & Fruit/Vegetables
Turkey, Fall Trees, Family, & 
Candy Corn
Fall Fun, Shapes, & Thanksgiving
Germs, Thanksgiving, & Turkeys
Germs/Hand Washing, 
Thanksgiving, & Letters V & W
Insects, Germs, Jungle, 
Kindness, & Listening
I Can, Jungle Animals, Kings, Thanksgiving, & Listening 